Classes and costs

Class times:

Friday 9.00-10.15am Vinyasa class live and live-streamed – at St Albans Hall, East Oxford

10.30-11.30am Seated class live and live-streamed – at St Albans Hall, East Oxford

There are also some Chair-based recorded classes (see under the chair-based tab), and some recorded vinyasa classes so you can practise in your own time. You can find more details for the vinyasa practises here.

Gentle Series: A series of gentle classes were recorded during the pandemic, and are still available online (see under the gentle tab)

Private classes are available for individuals or groups

Mini-retreats: these are day retreats personalised for individuals, family groups, or friends, to enjoy a deeper yoga ‘treat’ in whatever way suits you. They are devised collaboratively depending on what practises you might be looking for – but usually include meditation, pranayama (breath practises), dynamic practise, yin/restorative practise and deep relaxation. Please email me for more information or discussion about arranging a mini-retreat

Retreats: I will be running two retreats in 2023 at Redfield Centre in June and October. See retreat tab for more details or contact me for details

Costs: Online and live seated classes cost £5; online vinyasa classes cost £7 and live classes cost £10.

Individual private classes range from £30-£60 per hour and costs are negotiable depending on financial situations.

2 thoughts on “Classes and costs

  1. Hello, I was told about your classes and I wondered if I could have a bit more information as to what would be most suitable and also if you have room for me in your classes. I am 73 years old, active and reasonably fit. I had a very bad back three years ago for which I needed physio and a scan showed a vertebrae rubbing on another. I’ve done yoga in the past and had to stop recently when the clinical yoga group I attended on Zoom finished. Thank you for your help.

    Anne Wheeler


    1. Hi Anne – thanks for your inquiry. You’d be very welcome to try either the vinyasa class at 9-10.15, which is a flow mat-based class; or the chair based class at 10.30-11.30am, which is primarily seated (in a chair), but we usually do some standing poses and balances too. The advantage of the chair-based class is you don’t need to be able to get up and down from the floor! Both are live at the hall and live-streamed too for those who’d rather practise at home. The classes are quite busy, but vary week-to-week – so you’re welcome to come along any Friday morning and give it a try. If you’re interested, please email me on so I can send you the registration form and add you to the database so you get the info weekly about classes etc. Thanks again for your inquiry – Alison


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